Glückliche Kunden*INNEN
Den Mut zu haben Verantwortung zu übernehmen, die Dinge anzugehen und umzusetzen.
Exzellente Unternehmungen und charakterstarke Kunden*Innen.

„Ich hatte immer Probleme dabei zu wissen, was meine wirklichen Fähigkeiten und Potenziale waren. Sascha hat mir geholfen, sie zu identifizieren und zu interpretieren. Dank ihm kann ich jetzt meine Stärken sowohl im beruflichen als auch im privaten Bereich reflektieren und effektiv nutzen.“
-Janina Rosales, Senior Analyst, Accenture, Deutschland

„Sascha hat mir ein persönliches Coaching angeboten und ich bin froh, dass ich die Chance genutzt habe. Er half mir, die Vielfalt von Talenten zu verstehen und mit meinen eigenen und denen anderer umzugehen. Auf diese Weise fällt es mir nun viel leichter, in den von mir moderierten Workshops ein hohes Maß an Energie zu erzeugen und aufrechtzuerhalten und das Engagement meiner Workshop-Teilnehmer zu steigern. Ich kann ihnen nun die Möglichkeit geben, ihre Fähigkeiten wirklich zum Leuchten zu bringen.“
– Florian Bausch, Business Process Manager, Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, Darmstadt

Geborene Führungs-kraft
„Ich hatte das Vergnügen und die Ehre, mit Sascha an einem herausfordernden Engagement zu arbeiten, das letztendlich stark von seinen Fähigkeiten, seiner Erfahrung, seiner Anleitung und seinem Coaching profitierte. Sascha ist ein geborene Führungskraft, ein zutiefst mitfühlender, authentischer, sehr einfühlsamer Mensch, der das Beste in jedem Menschen finden und ihm helfen kann, es zu einer großen Stärke zu entwickeln. Er half mir und meinem Team, unsere Stärken und potenziellen Bereiche für die weitere Entwicklung genau zu identifizieren und Maßnahmen und Strategien zu definieren, um unsere größten Hindernisse in Erfolgschancen umzuwandeln. Ich freue mich darauf, in Zukunft wieder mit Sascha zusammenzuarbeiten.“
-Ivan Mandadzhiev, Business Development Manager, Accenture, München

Excellent Coaching
Before Sascha coached me on my Clifton Strengths I had already completed the strengths test but didn’t know how to apply the results.
As I had just started my career, the coaching was very helpful for me to not only know what my strengths are, but also to learn how I can use my strengths to grow further. I also learned what the pitfalls of my strengths are and how to deal with these. The coaching was on a very personal level and in a comfortable atmosphere. I greatly benefit from this coaching and I can highly recommend it. Thanks!
–Eileen Weis, IT Consultant, Accenture

Stop reading horoscopes, there are better ways
I always thought I knew and reflected myself very well, but through the coaching with Sascha I found out that I have many qualities and „talents“ that have often benefited me unconsciously in life.
To name them and to use them purposefully is a gift that is given to you during the coaching.
By the way, since, I tell everyone that the reading of horoscopes is long overtaken.
–S. Meral, Management Consulting Analyst, Accenture

Investing in yourself truly does make a difference
I got in touch with Sascha because I wanted to know more about the results of my Gallup strengths test and he proposed a one hour coaching session.
With his engaging personality and approachability he set the scene for a coaching on eye level. I was highly impressed with how, in a short amount of time, Sascha created an atmosphere that made it easy for me to talk openly about strengths but also weaknesses.
Sascha was well prepared for our coaching and he didn’t shy away from sharing some of his own personal experiences which served as good examples for my own development. Thereby he provided a fresh perspective on how to get my strengths to work for me and how I can leverage them to boost my performance. Whenever I’m stuck in my thoughts I find myself reminded of the coaching and the tools Sascha gave me to break habits I want to change.
Overall the coaching provided me with some good food for thought, it accelerated my personal growth and empowered me to understand myself and my doing even better.
Thank you very much for your professionality and empathy. The coaching was an invaluable experience and I really enjoyed the positive vibes.
-Ines Esterhaus, Consultant

The real deal
„Wenn Leute in Bewegung kommen müssen, ist Sascha derjenige, den sie anrufen. Wenn nicht, verpassen sie etwas. Sascha ist eine Antriebskraft auf höchstem Niveau. Ich bin sehr glücklich das Privileg gehabt zu haben, eng mit Sascha zusammenzuarbeiten und von seinem Fachwissen zu profitieren. Sein tiefes Verständnis von Charakter und wie sich dieser in Hochleistung und Entwicklung niederschlägt, ist wirklich erstklassig. In Kombination mit seinen Coaching Fähigkeiten ist er ein gefragter Mann. Möchtest du deinen Charakter transformieren und einen Entwicklungsplan aufstellen? Sascha ist derjenige, der dafür sorgt, dass es umgesetzt wird, und du die gewünschten Ergebnisse erzielst! Sascha’s natürliche Fähigkeit Dinge anzutreiben, ist wirklich erstklassig. Ich kann ihn als Coach, Mentor und als jemanden empfehlen, der dir hilft, deine nächste Stufe zu erreichen – im professionellen als auch privaten Umfeld“
-Matt Hommel, President & Copywriting Chief at The Copywriter for Business Coaches & Consultants, New York City

Antreibend und Motivierend
„Sascha half mir, die Ergebnisse des Gallup Talenten und Stärken Tests besser verstehen zu können, und gab mir dazu sehr viele weitere zusätzlichen Informationen, reale Beispiele und interessante Interpretations-möglichkeiten für unterschiedliche Lebens-situationen. Der besondere Fokus lag darauf, die Stärken mit meinem Beruf in Verbindung zu bringen. Durch das umfassende Coaching konnte jedoch die Vorteile des Assessment in allen Lebensbereichen erkennen. Sascha verfügt über hervorragende Coaching Fähigkeiten und es war daher äußerst anregend und motivierend, mit ihm zusammenzuarbeiten.“
– J. Law, Manager, Salesforce Business Group, Accenture, Wien

Mut zur Veränderung
„Ich habe viele großartige Erkenntnisse aus dem Stärken und Charakter Coaching von Sascha erhalten. Er hat alle Aspekte meiner Stärken behandelt, die für viele offensichtlich sind, aber von mir meistens ignoriert worden sind.
Ich kann dieses Coaching nur empfehlen!“
-Prachee Upadhyay, Senior Manager, Accenture

UNlocking potential with strengths coaching
In my 1-hour coaching session with Sascha we focused on my Gallup Strengths and how I can benefit from them in the daily business and in my private life. Sascha explained the different meanings of each strengths and together we worked out what they mean for me. During the session I could feel the passion Sascha has for coaching and his great knowledge he gathered during the last years. I felt very comfortable and that I could trust him. I would highly recommend reaching out to him, if you want to learn how to benefit from your strengths and how to focus on them. It helps me whenever I struggle with a task. Thank you for taking time for me & for sharing your knowledge and experiences!
-Anika Schumann, Salesforce Projektmanagerin

Worthwhile investment in becoming more enlightened
I have known Sascha for some time in a professional capacity but when we sat down to have a discussion about how to harness your strength as a tool, it became very eye opening for me in all walks of life. Knowing how to react positively and at the same time using my natural strengths has helped me become focused and task oriented and has drastically improved my way of working. Would recommend this to anyone serious in their senior professional career, his experience is awesome.
–Faheem J. Khan, Manager and practice lead, Accenture

Extra-ordinary and invaluable
„In this fast changing world, where changes are the only constant in life, we run for various things from money to position and forget the most important part of life ‘Self-introspection’ . The search for the temporary happiness is most profound within individuals and search for one true self is never accomplished. And question I asked myself, how to find myself ….my true self…the true reflection of my personality, how to bring about my talent to best use. ‘What’s a sundial in the shade’…
And one sunny afternoon, I had the pleasure of attending the session about Strengths from Sascha. Having known Sascha for almost 3 years as an extraordinary thinker, when I got the first introduction about the session, I knew that this was the missing piece in the puzzle. I could truly open up about my strengths and weaknesses to him. What truly distinguishes his ability of understanding the situation is acknowledgement and acceptance of the others. In my opinion this unique ability makes him a perfect coach who can listen with patience, understand you in depth , and show the path. And of course one unique things I remember from his sessions, is not just focusing on strength I had, but discussion about what else can be my strengths, as Bill McCartney rightly said ‘All coaching is, is taking a player where he can’t take himself’.
Conversations with Sascha are always a perfect combination of passion, compassion, insight, patience and humor. I would highly recommend him. Thank you again Sascha !!!!“
-Bhavneesh Singh Saluja, Senior Salesforce Architect, Salesforce

Believe in your passion, believe in yourself
I am a woman of gender, I am Spanish by nationality, I am a computer scientist by profession, and I am passionate about everything I do. For better or worse, I do not let myself be convinced by what others decide is best for me or what should make me happy. That’s why I dream big, countless times I heard that I was crazy when I decided to move to Germany to learn about other cultures, languages, and professional development. I have been living in Germany for 6 years. I can say that it has not been easy, when it has not been the right skill-set or knowledge or also being a woman in a masculine profession, additionally, It was added, the language barrier or being a foreigner. I won´t lie, on numerous occasions I have doubted myself or if I was doing the right thing, Only one thought accompanies me on my way, “you can, believe it”.
I can rely on that and that if you believe it is possible, mysteriously in those hard moments I have found help and support, and when at the beginning I thought it was a weakness, I understood that it is not, that it takes determination and courage to ask for support and coaching. Put a coach in your life.
Less than a year ago, I went through a professional critical situation, you might recognize those moments where you wonder if the effort you make is really worthy, if your attitude is the right one, if your education is qualified, where you have that feeling that nothing is good enough.
Well, I decided to go to the source of my being, to understand what I am good at and what I am weak at, but How? Then, I remembered that a few years ago I did the Gallup test, I spent hours reading it and trying to see if that description matched me. Unfortunately, often the image we project is not the image we have of ourselves.
Digging further, It led me to Sascha Schmunk, senior manager at Accenture with more than 17 years’ experience, and here is the tricky question: Who am I to schedule an appointment with a senior manager and coach (who probably has a very tight agenda) to help me better understand my own abilities?
I plucked up the courage needed and arranged a call. It was a YES, after more than an hour of conversation I realized that I have positive skills and that the negative ones can be improved, it’s all a matter of understanding and working on it. I felt relieved, full of energy again, and ready to face this bad situation with more strength than ever before. But again, what to do? How? If I abandon the project all my effort will be for nothing, besides I will not get the promotion that I desire, and maybe I will not find another project and maybe …. so many doubts. My decision, after convincing myself about my own values, was to abandon that project and it was not for lack of strengths , it was an act of self-recognition.
Smile, because the story has a happy ending, right after quitting that project, I started a new one, new energy, and in less time than expected I got my promotion.
Did I take a risk? No, I believed in myself, I believed in my skills and in my passion for doing things. If you allow me the advice, educate yourself, help yourself find your skills, as well as take advantage of them, as well as taking advantage of them.
Be aware, work on what you can improve. Let yourself be coached, ask for help, there is always room for more growth. Believe it.
-Ana Pastor, Product Owner & Agile enthusiast











